Additionally as well, in OSRS there's an individual Achievement Diary, which is an entire book that combines all of your significant achievements together in one place. Furthermore, they're broken down into specific areas of where you can earn RS gold them. For instance, completing challenges related to Varrock will result in filling Varrock Diary.
When they finish their Diaries participants are rewarded with exclusive sets and items that are only available through those activities. Currently, there are twelve diaries to choose from for OSRS players. These include Ardougne, Desert, Falador, Fremennik, Kandarian, Karamja, Kourend & Kebos, Lumbridge & Draynor, Morytania, Varrock, Western Provinces, along with The Wilderness Diary.
Achievement diaries are broken down in four categories depending on the difficulty - easy medium, hard, elite. The first category is usually relatively easy and typically don't require much effort or time. They also don't need skills higher than level 40. Medium tasks are usually time equally simple, even though they may require some capabilities to buy OSRS gold reach the level of 65. As the name implies require more effort and require specific skills to be around level 75.