Zhihu is listed. This Q&A community, one of the best in China, has aroused widespread discussion as soon as it was listed. The commercialization of Zhihu has not been favored by the outside world, and the topic has been raised to the fax number database commercialization of content communities. The author of this article expresses his opinion on this and shares it with you. This past weekend, because of Zhihu's listing, the financial technology media circle was "very lively". It seems that in their eyes, Zhihu is not listed on the New York Stock Exchange, it is more like the company has encountered a "black swan".
Looking deeper, the financial media are more anxious than Zhou Yuan, and some headlines fell by 10%. This is the commercial ceiling that the literary fax number database youth Zhou Yuan met. There are also people who value, saying that behind Zhihu’s listing is actually a 25-year history of blood and tears in the Chinese Internet community. In short, no matter what, the long-termism of the community must be too fragile to be worth mentioning in the face of stock prices. But is this really the case? Probably not.
What the future of Zhihu looks like depends on every step of the present, but it is also closely related to the accumulation of the past, and the public fax number database tremor caused by the action of listing, as Zhou Yuan said, is just a "periodic important moment". 01 The survival rule of Chinese community In the listing speech, Zhou Yuan talked about a question that Zhihu users had discussed: Zhihu is going to be listed, what do you want to say to it? As one of Zhihu's spiritual shareholders, I feel that I can really say something at this moment.